
I am a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Cerebras Systems.

My interests span a wide range of complex computational systems such as compilers, runtimes, and deep neural networks. I am especially interested in understanding performance characteristics and failure modes of these systems. My past work includes research into self-supervised representation learning, automated compiler-level software analysis, hardware security research, as well as memory-corruption attacks and defenses.

Projects and Publications

The full list of publications is here. I have occasionally served as an external reviewer to conferences and journals (including IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, NDSS, ACM TKDD, and IEEE TDSC), and also given several invited talks. Some recent project examples:


since '22Building PyTorch models and MLIR-based compilers for the world's largest AI chip at Cerebras Systems.
'19 to '22Postdoctoral Researcher at the Secure Systems and Software Laboratory of Professor Michael Franz.
'14 to '19PhD student at the Intel Collaborative Research Institute and the System Security Lab of Professor Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi.
'13 to '14Developed trade-workflow and performance-analysis tools at 360T for their OTC/FX-trading platform.
'09 to '13Studied Mathematics at Gutenberg Universität and Computer Science (B.Sc.) at HSRM.